Lockdown is over, travel restrictions are eased so it’s time to get out and explore in your own caravan. But, it’s winter and some states are set for a few chilly months head and even snow in some areas. So if you’ve been hesitant to get into caravanning in the winter season, we’ve put together some hints and tips about winter caravanning to ensure you have a great experience.
Making the Most of the Season
In the more popular holiday destinations, winter is actually a great time for caravanning in holiday parks as they are usually not as busy as the summer months. It’s easier to get a booking and many parks offer cheaper rates in the off-peak season.
Manufacturers also offer mid-year sales so it can be a great time to make that purchase. Please speak with one of our Jade Caravan Finance consultants to arrange a pre-approved loan before you head to the showroom. Having your loan sorted might give you the extra confidence required to negotiate a better purchase price.
Heating Your Caravan
The image of sitting around a campfire outside your caravan toasting marshmallows and swapping stories with friends is appealing and enticing. But if you’re questioning the reality of it all in winter, here are some considerations for staying warm while enjoying the outdoor lifestyle.
- Many new caravan models especially in the medium to large category will come with reverse cycle air-conditioning already installed. As it has been especially selected and fitted to suit that van, you should be sorted. Most air-con units are fitted in the roof so as not to take up wall space.
- With many models also fitted with solar power units, running the heating for longer periods won’t hit your back pocket in fuel or power costs.
- To maintain a lovely cosiness, leave the heating on a relatively low setting when you head out. This will ensure the space stays at a comfortable temperature for when you return.
- If your van is not already fitted with heating, contact the manufacturer or a specialist caravan accessories supplier to discuss the possibility of retro-fitting a suitable unit. The process may involve reinforcing the roof.
- The other options include purchasing a standard portable space heater. These are very inexpensive but will require making space on a bench or use valuable floor space. The easily purchased types run on electricity which means you need to be connected to power.
- Check all door, windows and sunroof seals for any damage. Make sure all openings are well-sealed against draughts so your heating system works efficiently and effectively.
- If you have a camper trailer, you will want to invest in a good sleeping bag and foam mattress to stay cosy.
Avoid Freezing Water Pipes
Just as you use anti-freeze products to protect your car radiator water from freezing in very cold conditions, you’ll need to pay the same attention to your caravan. The containers that hold your water supplies and the connecting pipes both have the potential to freeze in many locations around Australia. Even relatively mild climates can dip below zero overnight in winter.
Don’t worry, this is not a complicated task. We picked up a great tip from a caravanning website to share with you. Simply wrap the container in an insulating material can go a long way to preventing the water freezing. Bubble packaging wrap, doonas and other quilted-style garments and bedding, apparently do a great job with this task.
For more expert advice than we are qualified to provide, have a chat to your local caravan and camping retailer or check in with caravan forums and blogs. The community love sharing their tips and many provide real-life experiences which are very useful.
General Tips
- Depending on how cold the region you intend to visit will be, you may have to change your gas supply from butane to propane and the associated regulators. Seeking specialist advice on this process from a caravan expert or gas supplier is strongly advised.
- Ensure you have the correct tyres on your caravan or camper to handle the road conditions. Travelling in alpine areas may require heavier duty tread and ensure you’re equipped to handle any ice-covered roads which are prevalent in winter.
- When purchasing a van for winter travelling, ensure it has good quality bathroom facilities so you won’t have to venture outdoors to use the park facilities when temps drop!
- Many new caravans are built to order, so ensure you allow sufficient time for the manufacturer to prepare your van to meet your travel schedule.
Caravan Loans for All Seasons
Fortunately, Jade Caravan Finance doesn’t operate on seasonal fluctuations. Our cheap caravan loan interest rate offers are available through all seasons. Whether you’re purchasing a new or second-hand van, RV, camper trailer or mobile home, your Jade consultant will source you the cheapest quote available to suit your needs.
So get organised, get that caravan and head out across Australia to enjoy the delights of winter caravanning.
To discuss a cheap caravan loan, speak with a Jade Caravan Finance consultant at 1300 000 003